Leonardo da Vinci: in the genius lands
11 October 2019 | Not Assigned

Il progetto fa parte delle celebrazioni per i 500 anni dalla morte del grande artista. A promuovere l’iniziativa sono stati l’Unione dei Comuni Empolese Valdelsa, la Fondazione cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (FCRF) e altri stakeholder locali. Si tratta di 14 tour dThe project is part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the great artist’s death. The initiative was promoted by Unione dei Comuni Empolese Valdelsa, Fondazione CR Firenze and other local stakeholders. It consists of fourteen Sunday tours, from May to July 2019, aimed at discovering both Leonardo’s origins and the territory’s attractions. Nine different routes have been designed where villages, routes or exhibitions of the Empolese were shown in the morning, while in the afternoon, after a lunch based on local products, a visit to Leonardo’s birthplace and a tour of Vinci were planned.omenicali da Maggio a Luglio 2019, atti a scoprire sia le origini di Leonardo che le attrattive del territorio. Sono stati ideati 9 percorsi differenti in cui la mattina venivano mostrati borghi, percorsi o mostre dell’Empolese, mentre il pomeriggio, dopo un pranzo a base di prodotti locali, era prevista la visita alla casa natale di Leonardo e un tour di Vinci.
Cultura REPublic was involved in 3 actions:
- Audience evaluation: planning of a profiling strategy and analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, of the audience and its appreciation.
- Supply and implementation of a communication plan and promotion of the project on social channels (Facebook and Instagram).
- Technical and operational assistance in the form of back office actions for the organisational, bureaucratic and logistical part.
For these actions, partnerships have been activated with SIGMA, PromoCultura and the Galileo Comunicazione company.
- Audience profiling
- Analysis of the engagement level and audience satisfaction
- Promotion and communication of the project’s events on the main social media
- Assisting with the coordination and implementation of back office activities
Tools used
- Questionnaire, both in paper and digital form
- Gadgets to encourage the compilation
- Telephone interviews
- Programming and management of the editorial plan on the main social media
Expected results
- Visitor’s profile and level of satisfaction
- Increased dissemination of the knowledge of the territory and its attractions
- Development of a territorial branding hypothesis from the experiences and results achieved
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