Oltre il Giardino: informal education
21 October 2022 | Not Assigned

In March 2021 the orientation and non-formal education days took place as part of the Erasmus+ project “Oltre il Giardino – Social Inclusion Observatory”. Associazione “Per Boboli”, leader of the European project, and the partner Opera Madonnina del Grappa of Florence commissioned Culture REPublic to design and execute the educational path.
The recipients, invited by Opera Madonnina del Grappa to participate, formed a heterogeneous group of people from socially disadvantaged situations, limited digital skills and low professional qualification.
Starting from general objectives of the Erasmus+ project, in the first designing phase Cultura REPublic designed the educational path by declining actions and specific goals, then modeled them according to the feedback received from participants during the meetings and the certification of the starting level of each of them. Over four days, students learnt new digital skills and applied them to create a product that would tell a story born from their personal research and reflections on the riches of historic gardens, especially Boboli’s Garden.
Website: www.oltreilgiardino.eu/en/
Design objectives:
- To experiment innovative didactic processes;
- To co-design inclusive, educational paths that are flexible to participants’ different backgrounds.
Participants objectives:
- To improve digital skills both for personal and professional use;
- To gain self-awareness and of their own cultural heritage (social and human) as part of their identity;
- To improve their relational skills to facilitate team work and internal cohesion (team building).
Tools used
- Google Suite
- Google Drive
- Google Art&Culture
- Izi.travel
- Focus groups
- Co-design
- Teamwork
Participants learnt different digital and transversal skills:
- Web search
- Opening of a Google account
- Sharing material on Google Drive
- Creation and management of image folders on the PC
- Netiquette. Online/social behaviour rules
- Management of their digital identity
- Storyboard development
- Creation of a digital presentation for Facebook (and other socials) audiences for personal use or to promote professional skills
- Simultaneous work on a shared file in cloud
The participants team work developed two digital products:
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