MICA – Mu.SA International Community Activators
21 October 2022 | Not AssignedPartner: Melting Pro - Hellenic Open University - Universidade do Porto - Mapa de Ideas

Project leader: Cultura REPublic
Erasmus+ Programme 2021 – 2027 | Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership Projects
MICA – Mu.SA International Community Activator stems from the need to meet in a digital, functional and safe space intended for the Mu.SA community made up of cultural heritage professionals. A virtual place for autonomous and continuous learning.
Within the MICA project the community experiments with new management tools and community building’s practices to be proposed at its own institutions or externally.
- To define new best practices of cultural planning through sharing, confrontation and free exchange of opinions
- To develop an effective and immediate digital workplace to facilitate dialogue among communities
- To consolidate an european community of cultural heritage professionals for learning and problem-solving
The project is based on innovative strategies of peer learning to boost transversal and digital skills of the professionals involved.

Project phases
1. April – May 2022
5 WorkCafés: peer-to-peer learning, direct comparison with experts in community building and digital environments management
2. June – October 2022
Community projects: selection and development of two projects for creation and development of a digital community, with the specific goal of launching a crowdfunding campaign
3. November 2022
Launch of the crowdfunding campaign!
The launch of the two crowdfunding campaigns is joined by a second long-term result: the creation of a digital space where the Mu.SA Community recognizes itself and establishes itself in order to pursue its mission of lifelong learning for cultural professionals.
For more information: http://micaproject.eu/
Like all associations, we finance ourselves thanks to those who believe in us, in our professionalism and reliability.
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