Q-Attivi. Cultural Edition
21 October 2022 | Not AssignedPartner: Progetto co-finanziato dalla Fondazione CR Firenze

Cultural regeneration Project of the District
The Project aims to create a local network for cultural production and promotion within the District 4 of Florence.
To facilitate this process, the former Gasometer in via Anconella has been selected as a space of social and cultural activation between various cultural languages and citizenship.
The intent is to generate a change through the principle of circular subsidiarity: citizens and districts residents will be involved in the process of planning, designing and production of the output. The process will bring with it a variety of social, cultural and economic impact.
General objectives
- Revitalisation of places
- Social regeneration from below through cultural promotion
- More widespread well-being
- More aware and active citizenship on several levels
Tools and methods used
The method involves a first phase researching local stakeholders and mapping neighbourhood “cultural needs”, before moving to the second phase of dialogue with the District public administration and citizens to define specific goals. The third phase involves a real co-design from below of the District cultural offer, after realising a synthesis of above steps. Finally, if the whole process is successful, we move from research to action: realising the first events of the Neighbourhood Shared Cultural Season.
Tools used
- Focus groups
- SWOT analysis
- Mapping of resources and availability
- OPERA method
Expected results
The main outputs are focused on two key actions
- Creation of the neighbourhood Cultural Network, based on the constant dialogue between cultural operators and the social reference context, with the aim of ensuring the development of creative proposals adhering to citizen’s needs and the sustainability of such proposals thanks to micro-actions of bottom-up financing.
- Launch of the Shared Cultural Season in the Gasometer Area to consolidate the Network actions inside the urban spaces concentrated in the territory.
The Project, falling in its action phase in the summer months, was able to take advantage of the Estate Fiorentina, participating in the call in a unified manner to create first shared events. Specifically six events were conducted.
- 29 september 2022 – Learning by doing. Workshop with Francesca Fraia on the use of plaster and urban decoration
- 7 september 2022. The feast of Rificolona in the Gasometer
- 30 and 31 august 2022. Read, draw and dance! Event at the Parco del Gasometro in San Frediano with “M’Adama” performance by Francesca Stampone and “La Natura nell’Arte”, dialogue and collage workshop by Lilith Moscon and Francesco Chiacchio
- 20 july 2022. My urban herbarium
- 6 and 13 july 2022. Live Painting with Luchadora and URTO
- 16 and 17 june 2022 – Learn the art and put it apart. Workshop with the artist Moradi Il Sedicente
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